Monday, August 4, 2008

The End is near...

Well, 4 weeks to go until I will be able to have the girls. This time has been filled with doctors appointments. Not so much at my doctor's office, but everywhere it seems.

I have to start doing Fetal Non-Stress test every week, I still have my ultrasound once a week, and my visits with the doctor are still at every 2 weeks. The good news is that I am still not on bed rest. This is good news because that means that I get more time with my girls when they are born, which I have been told could be as soon as August 28th, but probably no later than the middle of September. Thank goodness that I have made it this far without going on bed rest, but at times now, I think it would be nice. I am tired most of the time, always sore (especially in my back and ribs), and sometimes think that it would be great to just relax. Though I am pretty sure that if I do go on bed rest, that would be great for the first day, then I would be antsy and want to move around again.

I wanted to also let everyone know that Gary and I am very thankful for all of your best wishes, and the gifts that you have bestowed on our girls. We are waiting for the last babyshower (this Friday) before we send out thank you cards, but they should be coming soon.

Thank you again.


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