Monday, October 27, 2008


Tomorrow, we take Sierra's casts off permanently. I am so excited. Yes, she is still being treated, but it will be shoes that we can take off for increasing periods of time, and I will get to give her actual baths instead of sponge ones. (She really hates sponge baths.) It seems kind of silly, but it feels like she will be more of a normal kid then.
I am still concerned with how she will walk, and have decided that if she needs it, she will go into dance to help her learn muscle control when she gets older. I am hoping that she does not have a "funny" walk due to the casts and braces. I want her to have everything, and I know how cruel kids can be.
Alyssa is doing good, I just wish that she would start to "chunk up" as Sierra has done. Alyssa definitely has her daddy's build and metabolism. The kid EATS. Breastfeeding now takes about an hour to complete. It is a really long time to just sit there, but I get to stare at their beautiful faces and know that it is worth every minute.
Well, starting tomorrow, I go back to the classroom for school. It will be the first time that their daddy has to take care of them at night for a few hours alone. I am nervous about this as he panics when they cry and looks to me to tell him what might be wrong. I know it comes from not wanting to do something wrong, but it still makes me a little nervous. I also know that I will miss them dreadfully, but know that in a way it is preparing me to go back to work soon. The day is rapidly approaching, and I do not want to have to. I know that I must, but I know I will worry constantly until I get to see them at the end of the day.
I know this jumps from subject to subject, but that is how it came to me. I will post before and after photos of Sierra's feet soon. Until then...
I love you girls so much, and am so proud to be your mommy.

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