Tuesday, November 11, 2008

10 weeks old

Time really does fly. It seems like only yesterday I was giving birth and worrying about them during their stay in the hospital. Well, the hospital stay is over, Sierra's feet are straight and are now just in shoes to keep them that way, and they have both finally started to gain weight. In fact, on this last Friday, they were taken off of the regular weight checks because they gained a whole pound in one week. Sierra now weights 7lbs 2oz and Alyssa is at 6lbs 3oz. I know, for 2 months old this is still too small, but considering that they were born 6 weeks early, it is a great improvement.
I have a meeting this week with a nurse. She is going to come interview me and see if we are candidates for SoonerCare (Oklahoma's nurse on call and medical insurance program for children), primarily for the nurse at home checkups. They are wanting to monitor the girls' weight gains, since it has not been where it should be.
We are also in a family counselling study. We get to attend marriage, family and parenting group counseling classes that teach us improved techniques in hopes that they will be able to lower the divorce rate in Oklahoma. We get paid to attend these classes, and it teaches how to still be a couple while being parents, how to encourage each other and our children, as well as general care of infants, and communication techniques. It is, to say the least, very informative and interesting. It is overall an idea generator.
The unfortunate thing is that next Monday, on the 17th, I go back to work. I originally thought that I would be looking forward to it. The closer and closer it gets, however, I am getting sadder. I want to stay with my girls. I love them so much and do not want to have to take them to a sitter, even though it is a friend of ours. I will not be there to see to their needs during the day, and am dreading turning that over to anyone. Even if it is only for a short time. I am afraid that my first day back all I will accomplish is crying my eyes out. This is not a good thing. Crying is generally frowned upon when you are working in the customer service industry.
We are also going to see my grandma and my aunts, uncles, and cousins that live in northern Kansas. We are looking forward to seeing you and introducing you to our little miracles.
Mommy and daddy love you girls. You mean the world to us.


Unknown said...

Give us a call and let us know when you will be in town! You can come see our new house and we can see these big little girls again!

SonnysWife0307 said...

oh tabby i never meant it to sound like i wanted to leave just thoughts running through my mind u know..... but i know i have plenty of time but im ready now for a kid u know i want to be a mom i want that unconditional love that they give..... but sonny doesnt want babies yet and he is already getting up there in age u know.... we dont even have our own place we live at his parents and it is really starting to get to me.... we have no privacy..... it is like really starting to drive me nuts..... :(